Guide to UTM Tracking
Facebook Tracking Template
Specifications for Facebook URL Parameters
Place the code below in the "URL Parameters" field under "Tracking" at the ad level:
YouTube Tracking Template
Set up tracking with ValueTrack parameters - Google Ads Help (see Instructions section)
Place the code below in the "Ad URL Options" field at the "Ads & extensions" level:
UTM Link Builder Spreadsheet
LTV UTM Builder (make a copy to edit)
UTM Information
There are 5 UTM tags with a hierarchy (as defined by Google’s Campaign URL Builder). They are:
Campaign Source (utm_source) – Identifies the source of the traffic (search engine, newsletter, facebook, etc.)
Values: search, newsletter, facebook, instagram, youtube, email, linkedin, twitter
Campaign Medium (utm_medium) – Identifies the medium which is sending the traffic (email, blog post, podcast, social, retargeting, etc.)
Values: email, blog post, podcast, social, retargeting
Campaign Name (utm_campaign) – Used to identify a particular campaign being run (an email campaign sequence, or a Facebook ad campaign)
Used to group links into an overall campaign. Name of a promotion (ie. indoctrination, chistmas_sale)
Campaign Term (utm_term) – Identifies any keyword terms used to refer to the traffic. Used mainly in pay-per-click ads where you’re bidding on keywords.
Only relevant when source = search
Campaign Content (utm_content) – Used to differentiate different ads which point to the same URL.
Determined by nature of content in order to tell links apart that go to the same page
Values: email1, email2, education, funny, entertainment, crazy_jump
Recommended Email Tracking Strategy Example
email, paid_email
broadcast, sequence or followup, cpa, cpm
email_broadcast, email_sequence, email_cpa, email_cpm
[product_name], [sequence_name]
examples: 30_day_challenge, quiz_followup
broadcast_20200615, quiz_followup_1, quiz_followup_2
Last updated