Complete the steps below for each store you wish to connect to LTV Numbers
Last updated
Complete the steps below for each store you wish to connect to LTV Numbers
Last updated
Connect your WooCommerce account to LTV Numbers by generating an API key and providing the credentials
Log into your WooCommerce store
Generate an API Key by following the WooCommerce Generate API Keys instructions here and note the additional instructions below as you complete the steps
Description: set to "LTV Numbers" or similar descriptive name for your reference
User: select your user account
Permissions: "Read/Write"
Note: The Write permission is only used to create a webhook to capture sales in real time
Copy these API keys and store them securely as you will need them in the section below
Note: the values of the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret can only be accessed immediately after the API Key is created. If you leave the page, the values will no longer be available and a new API Key will need to be created, so save them now.
Grant LTV Numbers access to your data via the API Key you created in the above steps, then sync your data
In a separate browser window or tab, log into LTV Numbers
In LTV Numbersβ side navigation bar, go to the "Settings" tab
Click the "Connect with WooCommerce" button in the integrations list and fill in the required information:
Store URL: enter the domain of your store
To get this, get the URL of the page when logged into WooCommerce, but only include the domain name ("https://mystore.com" or "https://www.mystore.net" for example)
Store Name: you can set this to how you want to identify the store, but it is recommended that you use the name of the store that shows up when logged into WooCommerce in the "Home" section
Consumer Key: copy the value of the Consumer Key for the API Key created in the previous section
Consumer Secret: copy the value of the Consumer Secret for the API Key created in the previous section
Click "Connect" to create the integration and be taken into it's settings
Note: no data is synced until you complete the steps below
To sync your data, pick an appropriate date range to import your existing data, and an appropriate sync frequency to import your data going forward to meet your analysis needs
Click "Sync Data"
Note: this process may take some time to complete
LTV Numbers only includes WooCommerce orders which have actually been paid and does not include pending orders that have not yet been paid.
WooCommerce data has no way of distinguishing between initial sales and rebills. Thus all revenue will appear in LTV Numbers under "Order Revenue" entirely and not "Rebill Revenue".
Refund amounts are accounted for in LTV Numbers but due to WooCommerce data limitations, the amounts are not applied to specific products so refunds will not appear in product breakdowns.
Related to the WooCommerce's Reports dashboard:
The numbers to the left of the graph on the WooCommerce dashboard are just wrong. If you can figure out how they are calculated, let us know!
This is part the reason why we created LTV Numbers in the first place - so you can see numbers that are correct!
The WooCommerce orders export and LTV Numbers match each other (when adjusted for timezone). And they both match the light blue line on the WooCommerce dashboard graph (under the hood, they call it "gross sales" but is actually net sales).
The WooCommerce dashboard does not actually show the gross revenue anywhere. In other words, it only shows net revenue and calls that gross revenue.
WooCommerce data is in the timezone configured in your WooCommerce general settings (currently New York).
LTV Numbers is currently in your local timezone (in a future update, you'll be able to set your preferred timezone).